Recovery data from burned Toshiba RVD400 for Plano, TX - ACE Data Recovery cases blog
Successful data recovery from Toshiba RVD400 SSD drive after voltage overload

Kyle from Plano, TX sent his Toshiba RVD400-M22280 SSD to us. He said that the drive was removed from his computer to allow for the installation of Windows 10. When he tried to return this SSD drive back to his computer, it was not recognized by BIOS. The SSD was examined by ACE Data Recovery’s specialists who discovered that the drive would constantly return as being in “Busy” mode. Upon closer inspection during the free diagnostic at our lab, we found several causes of the problem for the SSD. First of all, the input power load switch fuse was damaged by careless SSD removal.
When the pre-regulation switch was fixed, we moved onto the next problem on this SSD. Because of voltage overload, the Toshiba TC58NCP070GSB proprietary controller was burned. We replaced the controller with a new one, keeping the original SSD FTL table intact. The Flash Translation Layer (FTL) is a component of the SSD controller which maps Logical Block Addresses (LBA) from the host to Physical Block Addresses (PBA) on the drive to emulate sector-based access, used in HDDs. So, after hours of working with this SSD, ACE Data Recovery was able to fix this SSD drive and retrieve all information for Kyle.