January 2016 Official Newsletter for our Premier Partners
January 2016 Official Newsletter for our Premier Partners
ACE Data Recovery Joins the Government Supply ChainData Recovery Services has been in the data recovery industry since 1981 and served numerous federal, state, and local government offices and agencies. We are proud to be qualified by the General Services Administration. It is a privilege for us to be on the list of GSA awarded contractors who offer high-quality products and services at below market prices.

To learn more about our services and pricing, call us at 877.304.7189 (toll free) and talk to Don Wells, our GSA Contract.
ACE Data Recovery Introduces Its Direct Data Access Reader

In the past, when a hard drive experienced major physical damage, sometimes it was not possible to get critical information back even when a head rack assembly had been replaced. However, through extensive research, Data Recovery Services' engineers under the supervision of Yevgeniy Tolkunov, the Chief Technology Officer, have now found the way to solve this problem with the invention of the alternative recovery device that gives them more flexibility in the data retrieval process. With our "DDA Reader", we have made one more step toward a 100% success rate and will continue to create new tools to perform recoveries on new devices in an effort to anticipate our customers' needs for the future.
We realize that when critical data is lost, nothing is more important than a timely response and an effective recovery. Data Recovery Services constantly invests in the development of superior hardware and software which enables us to succeed where other companies fail.
The Latest Interesting Recovery Case:
Pray for the Best, Prepare for the Worst
A loss of data is always unpredictable, unwanted, and unpleasant. It might create a problem or even a disaster when data is exclusive and, therefore, even more valuable.
Two years ago, a young married couple had their first baby. As expected, parents started to film videos and take photos of their little princess since the first day of her life. As soon as the girl was born, the couple obtained two external hard-drives to set up back-ups to make sure that pictures of their adorable daughter will never be lost. Everything worked well, and the family did not experience any problems for almost two years.
One day, they connected one of the external hard-drives to a laptop to copy new files and found there nothing but empty folders. They did not panic and connected their second storage media. Unfortunately, the second external hard-drive didn't work, either. As professionals assumed, the hard-drives failed at the same time because they were almost identical and, as a result, had approximately the same lifetime.
Hoping for the best, the couple called Data Recovery Services. Within two days, our engineers were able to recover 100% of the family's data archive. Beyond doubt, it was a great relief for the family that was about to lose its priceless data. Taken as a whole, it is very important to understand that there is no such thing as too many back-ups, and it is critical to choose a professional data recovery company you can count on.

First Anniversary in the New Headquarter
In the fall of 2010, Data Recovery Services announced the opening of the new headquarter in Dallas, TX. The 6500-feet office is located in the fast developing Dallas business area and has two improved Class 10 and Class 100 clean rooms and all necessary equipment for the successful completing of various recovery jobs.
"We have chosen this business area to better serve a growing client base and to ensure a protected future for our company, employees, and partners," said Charles Walker, the Chief Executive Officer of the company. "Within the last year, we have helped more people to recover data, hired more professionals, and built mutually beneficial partner relations with many companies."
At Data Recovery Services, we do everything possible to be the best at what we do and offer advanced services that bring our clients the outstanding benefits they need and expect. With the great location, innovative technologies, and our competent team, we hope to be the #1 data recovery company for individuals and businesses for years to come.
Dear Partners!
If you would like us to send you our business cards, an authorized partner certificate, brochures, or other promotional materials, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our toll free number is 877.304.7189.
Data Recovery Services is always ready to help your clients with their data recovery needs and reward you for completed recovery jobs.
Thank you for doing business with us. We appreciate your trust and will make every effort to be successful in meeting up to your expectations.